Thursday 18 February 2016

Pru DCE blames navy for ferry accident

District Chief Executive (DCE) of Pru in the Brong Ahafo Region, Emmanuel Kwame Poku, has accused personnel of the Naval Base of being less proactive in ensuring security of passengers on board the ferry that almost sunk on Wednesday February 17

The ferry was on a return trip from Mankango to Yeji when the accident occurred.

Although the navy intervened and saved all the 500 passengers on board and saved the ferry from sinking, Mr Poku said they should take the blame for negligence.

Speaking to Class News, he said whenever the navy encountered challenges beyond their capacity, they had to report to the assembly, so they would offer some help, hence, if anyone was blaming the assembly for not providing adequate security at the quay… “I don’t subscribe to it because they have security there already”.

He added: “I have to blame the naval people because that is their responsibility. They have been stationed there day and night to see to the welfare of the people to give them security, and it is they, who should check that the boats are not overloaded, so, if that is what brought that issue then it is their fault.”

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