Wednesday 24 February 2016

NPP Serial Texter To Contest Akyem Abuakwa North Seat

Following the demise of the Member of Parliament for the Akyem Abuakwa North Constituency, people within the various parties have started presenting themselves as suitable replacements.

The latest from the New Patriotic Party is a young member of the party who tells he has all what it takes to continue the “good works of the late Joseph Boakye Adu” and also magnify the NPP’s votes greatly in the area.

“I have decided to run because, the people of Abuakwa North and the NPP need a vibrant youth who have the qualities to replace the ever hard working, confident, competent and dedicated Joseph Boakye Adu, to continue with his good works and to magnify our votes to greatly enhance a possible victory for a Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo led NPP administration in the 2016 general elections.”

Bonti Benjamin is a serial texter and an active member of the NPP and a graduate of the Kumasi Polytechnic. He belongs to the Communication and Research wing of the party and works with Electrometer Company Ltd.

Colleague serial texter and friend Samuel Bryan Buabeng tells, 27 year-old Bonti has the party at heart and is more than capable to fit in the shoes of the late MP.

Another friend and youth activist Jamaludeen A. Abdullah tells Bonti Benjamin has been particularly interested in matters of youth development and believes it’s high time the party gave young people like Bonti the opportunity to prove their worth.

So far, Eastern regional first vice chair of the NPP; Alhaji Yusif Bodinga as well as the late JB Danquah’s previous contender, Lawyer Amoah Kay have popped up to show interest in the seat beside Bonti Benjamin.

Here’s a full statement copied to

For Immediate Press Release.

23rd February, 2016.


Fellow people of the Abuakwa North Constituency, members and patriots of the great NPP family at large, it is with great pain that we have lost our very young hardworking and dedicated member of Parliament, Hon., Joseph Boakye Adu.

It is with pain and grief, that we bear this gruesome event that unfortunately has befallen us. While we plan towards a befitting burial for our late MP, we also fervently pray that, the perpetrators involved are all found and brought to book, since the investigations into his unfortunate murder still remains murky.
My condolence to the wife and children, his immediate family and afar, the great NPP and the people of Abuakwa North Constituency. Indeed, Ghana has also lost a great gem.

As we are all aware, his untimely death has brought about vacancy to his representation in Parliament House and as per the law stipulates, a replacement is needed to contest on the ticket of the NPP to represent the people of Abuakwa North Constituency.

It is to this end, that I respectfully dedicate myself and to show cause of interest in representing my people of the Abuakwa North Constituency on the platform of the great New Patriotic Party.

I have decided to run because, the people of Abuakwa North and the NPP need a vibrant youth who have the qualities to replace the ever hard working, confident, competent and dedicated Joseph Boakye Adu, to continue with his good works and to magnify our votes to greatly enhance a possible victory for a Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo led NPP administration in the 2016 general elections.
We have no excuse than to bring an end to the incompetent, corrupt, visionless and purposeless John Dramani Mahama led NDC government.

I am moved by conviction, that politics and democracy is about the contestation of ideas, to enhance the living standard of a people. It is about dedicating oneself, to serve the aspirations and expectations of the society one lives in or belong to. I am again moved by my simplicity and leadership potential, to serve the interest of my people and I strongly believe my proven track record of commitment and dedication, to the great NPP and the people of Abuakwa North, will give me a greater opportunity to represent the very people I so proudly feel a part of.

We the youth of today, are the generation that can change Ghana’s Sociopolitical cause forever with integrity and unbridled accountability. To this end, I gladly remain honest and loyal to the total development of the Abuakwa North Constituency, devoid of any greed and selfishness. I am carried in this quest with trust, mutual respect, mindfulness and welcoming diversity.

Today, We are in the eight (8th) year of a purposeless leadership by the John Mahama led NDC government and all we have seen is unprecedented deterioration in the area of security for the citizenry, law and order, astronomical price rise in goods and services, a rise in the incidence and intensity of corruption, and failure of governance. As we reach this last lap of the 2016 election journey, I would like to request that we concentrate all our effort and energy toward realising and achieving change in how this country is run. The only way to a meaningful change in this country, is to vote for a strong, hardworking, dedicated and dynamic youth of the party to strategically help vote out of power, the John Mahama led NDC government, to which it was never legitimately elected, anyway.

The task before us today is wide ranging and very great. The first and most important is to take away power from those who have been misusing it.

It is Indeed, a call on my part of patriotism, public-spiritedness and an abiding love for my people of Abuakwa North, the NPP and the country at large and nothing will today stop me in making sure to ask for what’s better for them.

It’s time we start rewarding loyalty and hardworking individuals, who constantly keep showing cause to the existence and survival of our great NPP and the people of Abuakwa North. Humility, honesty, dedication, credibility, commitment, selflessness and sincerity will get us to greater heights.

As the great late poet, Maya Angelou said: “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”. I believe I have put my case before you and I kindly ask of you all, to do me a favour and help spread the word with your friends and family.

Hope to count on your support.

Thank you.

Yours in Service for Freedom in Development.

Bonti Benjamin

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