Thursday 18 February 2016

MAN OF GOD ! Rev. Owusu Bempah Warns Drivers of ‘Satanic Human Spirits’ In Need of Blood

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The founder and leader of the Glorious Word Ministry International, Rev Isaac Owusu Bempah has warned drivers to be very vigilant on the road, because some ‘satanic human spirits’ are depending on them for human blood to accomplish their mission this year.

Ghanaians must know that accidents are caused by some devilish spirits yearning for human blood...human error can easily lead to that if care is not taken,” he noted in an interview with Okay FM.

According to him, accidents are bound to happen at any time but with revelations from God, frequent servicing and excessive prayers, they can be prevented.

Rev. Owusu Bempah pleaded will all politicians not to over-speed when visiting various regions to propagate their campaign messages, because their ambitions would not be realized when they lose their lives on the road.

Whiles counselling men of God to ensure their utterances breed no chaos, controversial Rev Bempah also touched on the current political situation and wondered why the ruling party always jumps to the defence of the Electoral Commission, whenever any electoral issue crops up.

I don’t understand why NDC seems to always hold brief for the EC when the commission commits an act of negligence, definitely individuals would have different perceptions on such a government if such instances happen in a country preparing towards elections.

Men of God should not be marked as politicians if they speak about issues in connection with public fact we should talk about it for the necessary amendment to be made as soon as possible than sit for the harm to be caused before we speak on such issues; because the country does not belong to only politicians, but all of us,” he added.
Source: Elizabeth Semiheva/

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