Wednesday 24 February 2016

Hmmm, BoG officials encouraged people to save with DKM – Minority Leader

Minority Leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has alleged that some officials of the Central Bank went to the Brong Ahafo region to encourage people to save with the now debt ridden microfinance company, DKM.

Owners of the Brong Ahafo-based DKM have swindled their clients of several millions of Cedis. Some of its management members are standing trial for failing to give back savings of their numerous clients. The bank of Ghana has blacklisted the company.

The finance minister Tuesday told parliament owners of the company invested GHC77 million of investors' deposits into personal businesses and subsidiaries.

Speaking to Nii Arday Clegg on the Morning Starr Wednesday, the Suame MP who has declared the issue a national disaster said officials of the Central Bank have more questions to answer in the scandal.

“This is a tragedy that has befallen us as a nation. This is a national emergency to some of us and it should be treated as such,” he stated.

He continued: “Is it the case that we should always be lamenting and leave people who are responsible for it? We were told some officials of the Bank of Ghana went to the enclave to encourage people to invest. Bank of Ghana failed to act even when huge monies were being withdrawn and converted into foreign currencies”.

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