Friday 6 November 2015

NPP Members Destroy Party Cards

Some registered members of the New Patriotic Party yesterday in the full glare of the public destroyed their NPP Membership card in protest of the illegal
suspension of the party's National Chairman, Paul Afoko.

Mr. Kwesi Whyte who was part of the thousands of protesters who thronged the party office to register their displeasure at the current happenings in the party said he is worried of the disharmony and blatant disregard of the party's constitution.

He said he is not the least intimidated by some party leaders who should know better. "The intimidation from Kwamena Duncan [Central Regional Secretary] and other top members will not stop us [protesters] from standing for the truth" he stressed.

The Mfantseman West Constituency 'registered' member of the party insisted that the situation has angered a lot of party faithfuls and if not curtailed may cause the party's fortune in the 2016 general elections.

Mr. Whyte who was furious destroyed his party card to demonstrate his anger and resentment on the unlawful removal of Mr. Afoko. He said "this is not the NPP I know" while he destroyed his party card.
 Source: Concerned NPP Constituency Executives

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