Thursday 5 November 2015

‘Nana Addo preparing his people for another defeat’

The Executive Secretary of the Ghana Free Zones Board, Kwadwo Twum Boafo says all the clamour for a new voters’ register is a ruse by a section of New Patriotic Party supporters, including flagbearer Nana Akufo-Addo, to foment trouble in the country.

They know they do not need any new register because even if they are granted one, they will still look for another excuse to accommodate their pending defeat in the 2016 general elections, explained Twum Boafo.

Speaking on Alhaji and Alhaji on Radio Gold, Twum Boafo said after trumpeting around that nearly all the political parties in the country were united in the call for a new register, the NPP went to the forum organised by Electoral Commission to discover that they were virtually alone, while all others called for a clean-up of the existing register.

He said not only were the parties’ choice at variance with the call for a new one, even civil society organisations that supposedly supported a new voters register call, also made submissions for an audit.

He maintained that Nana Addo could not have genuinely been calling for a new register, because all he was seeking to do, together with his allies, was to find grounds to cause trouble.

“Nana Addo doesn’t want a new register. Nana Addo and his lieutenants in the NPP, they don’t want a new register. What they want is to foment trouble. They don’t really want a new register, because I’m very sure they knew ab initio that a new register issue won’t fly. Not only do we not have the time to compile a new register, but we do not have the resources to compile a new register. I am not going to get into the business of even who funds it. Whoever wants to fund it must give us money to go and do capital infrastructure projects like the roads in Tamale for example. But what he really wants is to create a scenario where there will be trouble in this country, there will be violence in this country for some people to intervene and say let’s share power, this is what this is all about”, he said.

Twum Boafo said this is so because even before the Electoral Commission pronounces on the way forward, Nana Addo’s lieutenants have gone ahead to predict that there will be trouble, with some others calling for a “youth uprising.”

Twum Boafo reminded those calling for violence that they cannot predict the outcome of the violence they are calling for if it should erupt.

“What it is that surprises me about all this is that the NPP should understand this very clearly, when the so-called violence that they prescribe erupted in their party, it resulted in the death of their regional chairman, so if another round of violence, because of what they say are anomalies within the voters register erupts, who else will go?

“But Nana Addo is not worried about them because as soon as it happens he will carry himself and go and wait upon the Lord in the UK. All the other British citizens … they and their children, and their wives will head to the United Kingdom where they are citizens and leave young people in this country to lose their eyes...”

Twum Boafo maintained that Nana Addo has chosen that path because he knows he cannot win the next elections which will be his swansong.

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